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Laura Burbaite is a certified Hatha Vinyasa Yoga teacher.

Internationally accredited certification, TTC 500 hrs by RYS Yoga Alliance in Yogaroom Barcelona.

                    Lau has happily taught in yoga studios, corporate yoga, assisting TTC´s , private classes, and retreats since 2014.

Co-creator of YOGASTUDIO2222 in Barcelona (running successfully for 2 years) 

Lau's teachings are based on the wisdom of Hatha Vinyasa Yoga.

Importance accented to breath, healthy body movement & and awareness overall. 


Some inspiration from Martial arts (KalariPayattu Indian martial art), Synergy for best results, benefits, and well-being.  

Classes are dynamic, focused on alignment, creative, and fun!

Big thanks and respect to all my teachers.


Lau studies, and constantly updates her knowledge and skills 

 with a handful full great teachers! 

Amelie Strechker, Vinay Kumar, Simon Borg Olivier, Alexander Kutschera, Olga Oscorbina, , Juliette van der Weijde, Mafe Liz,  

Personal Yoga Journey:


Lau discovered Yoga in 2010, she was struggling with back pain from an injury produced by a traffic accident. 

As well as anxiety, panic attacks depression, dragging various traumas from her childhood. 

She started practicing yoga, which really helped Lau with managing her back pain, and anxiety it dramatically improved her overall health. 

Surprisingly she becomes happier, super fit, more confident, and loving.

Yoga helps Lau to keep becoming a better version of herself.


The decision to share this experience

led her to become a yoga teacher and help others.



Lau is very passionate about yoga photography IG @lauraburbaitephoto

Shooting for conscious events, yoga studios, teachers, and other like-minded humans.

makes her own Natural Bio Cosmetics SHAUCHA.

 Namaste ॐ 

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